Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6-8: Extra Credit!!

We've been discussing physical and chemical changes, as well as mixtures and compounds. In our daily lives, we come across these changes several times per day. For every physical change, chemical change, compound or mixture you come across this weekend and post on our blog, you will get an extra point on your test (for a maximum of 5 points).

Just click on "comment" below and you should be able to post your ideas (in the drop down menu you can choose "Anonymous"). Your comment will not show immediately as it has to be approved by me. Be creative, respectful and INCLUDE YOUR NAME!

Happy hunting!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week of November 2. 2009

If you have missed a lab you need to make it up after school - Icy Water; CSI Chromatography; Iron and Sulfur Elements, Mixtures and Compunds.
Unit TEST on Friday 11/6/09 - Covering all topics including Scientific Method, scientific measurement, density, properties of matter and elements, compounds and mixtures. Use quizzes, notes and homework to help you refresh your memory!
Monday 11/2/09 - Finish the Iron and sulfur lab questions
Tuesday 11/3/09: Sci. Think Review Puzzle (what we started as bellwork)
Wednesday 11/4/09: Honors - What a State! Periods 3-9: Make a statement and crossword
Thursday 11/5/09: Complete Review Sheet and STUDY.
Video on Elements, mixtures and compounds