Thursday, October 15, 2009

skate park

Nice video about Newark Valley's new skate park!

Nike 6.0 Banksgiving BMX Jam 2009 from Will Stroud on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

LCROSS Shepherding Spacecraft Observations of Centaur Impact

LCROSS Shepherding Spacecraft Observations of Centaur Impact

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Week 6 Homework: October 13- October 16

Tuesday 10/13: Search for matter handout - you will need your book!!. Use chapter 2. This is directly from the book, so it is pretty straight forward:)
Quiz on Wednesday 10/14/09. Study density equation and concepts such as volume, mass, matter and weight.
Wednesday 10/14: no homework
Thursday 10/15: Period 1 - changes in matter.
Periods 3-9: density worksheet
Friday 10/16: Period 1 - physical vs. chemical. Periods 3-9 changes in matter