Thursday, January 14, 2010

Laws of Motion

 Cornell is coming to Newark Valley - Tuesdays after school from 1/19-2/16 in my room, 143 at the high school. We'll be planning our own electrical gadgets and inventions, so please come by and join us!

Use your books, notes or internet to familiarize yourself with Newton's three laws of motion. Your job is to create an entertaining comic strip that somehow displays one or more of Newton's Laws. Your notes have an example of a cartoon. Your cartoon must have at least three slides and must be ORIGINAL!!!
Please do not copy from ANY other source. Be creative! You can earn UP TO 10 points extra credit, but I will be very picky! The more original, creative and insightful your cartoon is, the more points you will be awarded.
Your cartoon can be drawn by hand, animated by computer or it can be a collage from magazines. You will not be graded on artistic ability.

Bill Nye Motion Worksheet
We will watch this in class on Thursday - the worksheet is for a grade. So if you were absent - please complete!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week of 1/11/10

Unit test on Wednesday 1/13/2010
Topics to study
1) Electricity notes and circuitry
2) Atmoic structure and subatomic particles notes
3) Energy projects/notes
4) Magnetism lab
5) Evidence of a chemical reaction and factors which affect the rate of chemical reactions (potato catalyst lab)

Please complete the practice exam to help you study for the exam.