Thursday, October 1, 2009

EXTRA CREDIT - Another Great They Might Be Giants Song

EXTRA CREDIT - Write a short paper (at least 4 paragraphs: Introduction, 2 body, 1 conclusion), advertisement pamphlet or song discussing the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars and how science and technology can be used to help us use fewer fossil fuels. You can use the internet and your textbook as references, but be sure you cite them (I can help you with that). No Wikipedia please.
Click here for Citation Help
Below on the right are great resources to science news articles.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Gummy Bear Experiment, BrainPop Density Video & The LHC

Sacrificing Gummies in the name of science - What happens to the mass, volume and density of a gummy bear when you leave it in water overnight? Many of you hypothesized correctly!! The gummy bear absorbed water. It's volume (the space it takes up) increased, it's mass (the amount of matter) increased, and the density......DECREASED (for most of us anyway). Why? Because the gummy bear absorbed water - and water's density is less than the Gummy Bear's.

This is a great video to watch if you are having difficulty understanding and calculating density
Brain Pop Density
Also, check out the Large Hadron Collider
The Large Hadron Collider

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Quick Density Video

This is much like the bell work we had on the floating golf ball...

Homework Assignments for Week 4: 9/28-10/2

Quiz on Tuesday 9/29/09 - Study the scientific method and the metric system.
Make sure you use your textbook and ladders as a resource!
All classes: Monday -What is SI continued? Study for the quiz.
Tuesday period 1,3,4,5 Finish Gummi Bear Density Lab.
Wednesday: All periods - Density Worksheet. The last few questions are hard but try to think through them!!
Friday: Density worksheet
If you were absent this week, read Chapters 1&2 to help you catch up!
If you missed the quiz this week, you can make it up during any of your free periods before next Tuesday! Also before or after school or during your lunch.
check it out!! They should be using the word "Hypothesis" instead of "Theory," but great job none the less!

The Paper Airplane Experiment

We finally finished our introduction to the scientific method with the paper airplane trials! It was a little chilly and windy, but we're used to that here in Newark Valley. Pictured here is fifth period testing the effect of mass, size, design or paper type on the flight distance of a paper airplane.

Homework Assignments for Week 3

Students received a printout of owed assignments. Most of you are doing great - keep up the good work!!
Period 1 Honors: Scientific Method Applied (Beriberi and Penicillin),  Metric conversions, notebooks due 9/24/09!
Period 7: The scientific method applied (remote control),  metric conversions, notebooks due Thursday 9/24/09!
Periods 3,4,5,9: The Simpsons Scientific Method, Metric Conversions, notebooks due 9/24/09

Homework Assignments for Week 2

Check to see if you are missing any of these - 
Period 1 Honors: Variables worksheet, Tired Teens Article, Sponge Bob I - the scientific method, Spongebob II - the Scientific Method
Periods 3,4,5,9: Variables worksheet, Tired Teens Article, Sponge Bob I - the scientific method, Spongebob II - the Scientific Method
Period 7:  Variables worksheet,  the plane truth,  The scientific method applied