Sunday, December 13, 2009

Energy Source Project

Week of December 14, 2009
Monday - Begin your design of the Potato Catalase Lab - Factors which change reaction rates. Due Wednesday.
NOVA energy videos - the pros and cons of alternative energy
Energy Sources Project -
This week we will begin a project in which we explore different sources of energy. Please use the sites below to get you started on the energy source your group has been assigned.
Presentations will be next week!
NEW!!!! - Please write a one-two page paper (at most 2 pages) summarizing the four main points of your energy source. Do not copy and paste from the internet. Use your own words!!!!
Your essay should be a brief summary of what you have learned. What do you think about using your energy source? Has your opinion changed now that you've learned more about this energy source?

  • Be sure to answer the four questions at the bottom of the outline
  • What is your opinion of your energy form? Has it changed now that you've learned more about your energy form?
  • Do you think we should use your energy source here in Tioga County? Why or why not? Can we use your source by itself - or should we combine it with other energy sources?
  • Your paper should be a summary of what you and your group have learned. 

Energy Sources Outline- please follow directions carefully. 
Use this organizer to organize your thoughts and collect data for your project
Click here to download another project outline.

Helpful sites:
Explore More: The Future of Energy 
At the bottom of these pages are additional resources - use them!! Cite each one please.
Follow the links to the right to find magazine articles and "search" for your energy source.
National Renewable Energy Lab
Sustainable Hawaii
Renovus is a local site which discusses wind, solar and hydroelectric
Energy Kids has some interesting statistics
US Department of Energy
The Energy Story
Energy - Future Challenges
Encyclopedia of Alternative Energy
Geothermal Power Plants
Nuclear Power Plants in America
FOSSIL FUELS - Natural Gas in Tioga County! This is a great focus for those of you researching fossil fuels. Natural Gas companies are buying land in our back yard. What are the pros and cons to natural gas extraction??
How to cite website sources
Author. "Title of Website. Title of webpage." Date you accessed/visited the site. The organization who published it. The URL or web address.

Recent Magazine or news Articles
Solar Power Plant in China
Wind Turbines do not Pose Health threat
Wind Farm in Michigan?
Advantages and disadvantages of wind energy
Solar Power from Orbit 2