Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week of November 2. 2009

If you have missed a lab you need to make it up after school - Icy Water; CSI Chromatography; Iron and Sulfur Elements, Mixtures and Compunds.
Unit TEST on Friday 11/6/09 - Covering all topics including Scientific Method, scientific measurement, density, properties of matter and elements, compounds and mixtures. Use quizzes, notes and homework to help you refresh your memory!
Monday 11/2/09 - Finish the Iron and sulfur lab questions
Tuesday 11/3/09: Sci. Think Review Puzzle (what we started as bellwork)
Wednesday 11/4/09: Honors - What a State! Periods 3-9: Make a statement and crossword
Thursday 11/5/09: Complete Review Sheet and STUDY.
Video on Elements, mixtures and compounds

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