Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6-8: Extra Credit!!

We've been discussing physical and chemical changes, as well as mixtures and compounds. In our daily lives, we come across these changes several times per day. For every physical change, chemical change, compound or mixture you come across this weekend and post on our blog, you will get an extra point on your test (for a maximum of 5 points).

Just click on "comment" below and you should be able to post your ideas (in the drop down menu you can choose "Anonymous"). Your comment will not show immediately as it has to be approved by me. Be creative, respectful and INCLUDE YOUR NAME!

Happy hunting!!


  1. I drove to work this morning and in my engine, gasoline was chemically changing (combustion) to release energy to power my car.
    Ms. C

  2. Taylor McNeil- i was cooking dinner and i had to boil water for the pasta annd thats a physical change. (9th period science class)

  3. I made cookies last night, and after i made the batter i put it in the oven to cook. That is a chemical change.
    -Kaitlin C. Period 3

  4. My mom burned candles this weekend. That is both a phyiscal change (the melting wax) and chemical change (the flame). She also baked cookies and apple crisp yesterday. Those were chemical changes.

    Ashley Pado (period 1)
