Thursday, December 23, 2010

Potato catalase lab

How adding an inhibitor affects reaction rate

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Potato catalase in honors

how concentration affects reaction rate.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 14

Alka Seltzer Reaction Rates Lab due on Friday
HONORS: Potato Catalase Lab Due on Friday

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 13

Atoms, Molecules, Chemical Bonding, Chemical Reactions
Monday 11/29/2010: Honors - Lewis Dot structure sheet
Periods 3-9: Vocabulary foldable: Chemical Bond, Ionic Bond, Covalent Bond, Metallic Bond, Molecule

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Atomic Model Construction

Planet Money on the Periodic Table - Why is Gold so valuable?
Some Examples of students' models (from Virginia's outreach program)

Atomic model of Sodium (Na)

Atomic model of aluminum (Al)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 9 - 11/1/2010-11/5/2010

Monday 11/1/2010 - honors finish Icy Water lab
Tuesday 11/2/2010 - All classes - side #1 of Physical and Chemical Changes
Wednesday 11/3/2010 - All classes. Side # 2 - Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 7 10/18/2010-10/22/2010

Monday 10/18/2010 - Properties of Matter Worksheet

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week 6: 10/12/2010-10/15/2010

UNIT TEST on Friday 10/15/2010

All classes - reveiw sheet due Thursday 10/14/2010
Vocabulary foldable top help you study - classwork 10/13/2010
Paper Towel lab was due Tuesday - make sure you get it in to me!

Monday, October 4, 2010

10/4/10-10/8/10 Week 5

Monday 10/4/2010: Homework
Period 1: Tired Teens article
Periods3-9: Observation vs. inference homework
Tuesday 10/5/2010: Homework
Period 1: Scientific Method in action
Periods 3-9: Scientic Method is a process
Wednesday 10/6/2010: Homework
Period 1: Bikini Bottom experiments
Periods 3-9: Scientific Method in action
Thursday 10/7/2010 - No homework - enjoy your long weekend!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 4: 9/27/2010- 10/1/2010

Monday 9/27
Honors: Introduction to graphing packet
Periods 3-9: Introduction to Graphs
Tuesday 9/28
Grasping Graphing
Class work: Introduction to graphs
Wednesday 9/29
If you did not finish grasping graphing, pleasee do so tonight.
Thursday 9/30:
Please finish Measuring Matter and graphing practice.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WEEK 3: 9/20/2010-9/24/2010

QUIZ on Scientific Measurement - Monday 9/27/2010
Monday 9/20/2010: Vocabulary Sheets and Scientific Measurement Notes
Tuesday 9/21/2010: No homework - Alexander Pond video and Library Introduction
Wednesday 9/22/2010: What is SI? worksheet
Thursday 9/23/2010: BrainPop video on measuring matter
Review Sheet for Quiz on Monday.
Friday 9/24/2010: No homework - Alexander Pond!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 2 assignments

Monday 9/13

Honors - Please work on skit for Wednesday (rubric available on PREVIOUS post)
All periods - LAB SAFETY QUIZ on Tuesday

This week, we will be covering metric system notes

Tuesday 9/14: Metric Conversions worksheet

Wednesday 9/15: No homework
We did the length lab in class today.

Thursday 9/16
Honors: SI unit worksheet
Periods 3-9 : Greater value worksheet

Friday 9/17: No homework

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Science Lab Safety Video Rap

Science Lab Safety Video Rap
 This video will help you visualize the safety rules we discussed in class - catchy tune:)

Course outline Contract and Lab Safety Contract

These two contracts should be signed by you and your parent/guardian. They are due Monday, 9/13/2010.
Classroom Contract
Lab Safety Contract

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome To Eighth Grade Science with Ms. Costa!

Hello all, and welcome to Physical Science! This year we will be introduced to the worlds of physics and chemistry and learn how they explain everyday occurrences.  By the end of the year you will understand why an ocean liner floats but a small pebble sinks. You will understand why steel rusts but aluminum does not and some of the factors that contribute to the efficiency of your four-wheeler.
Take a look to see some of the labs, lessons and activities we did last year.
Rube Goldberg Project:

Periodic Table Scavenger Hunt:

Oil Spill Simulation

Windmill Project
Gummy Bear Density Experiment
The Scientific Method

Thursday, June 3, 2010

More on the BP Oil Spill
Watch CBS News Videos Online

First Period puts themselves into the shoes of environmental engineers and wildlife rehabilitation experts in the BP oil spill. The object was to engineer a containment mechanism, absorption and clean-up method, disbursement and wildlife rescue plan. It was much tougher than we thought and we're starting to understand the severity of this horrible situation.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Week of May 17 2010

5/17 Monday: Finish Part II questions 2007
5/18 Tuesday:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week of 5/10/2010

State Test - Practical Portion May 25, 26, 27
State Test - Written Portion: June 7th

Homework & Weekly Plans:
Monday 5/10: Honors: finish entire green packet. Periods 3-9: Finish part II
Tuesday 5/11: Honors: Shark Dichotomous Key. Periods 3-9: Finish Part I of state test - multiple choice.
Wednesday 5/12: Quiz on sorting station and microscope station.
Thursday 5/13: Full length Part I (multiple choice)

Pond Water Critter Identification Page
Another good one

Monday, April 26, 2010

Week of 4/26/2010

Monday 4/26/2010: Aerosol Blast and Heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation) worksheet due Wednesday.
Heat Transfer:Conduction Lab due Tuesday 4/27/2010
Wednesday 4/28/2010: Periods 3,4,5,9 - Thermos Bottle Handout Period 7: Venn Diagram - compare and contrast conduction, convection and radiation
Thursday4/29/2010: Period 1: Finish Conduction lab write-up and graph. Periods 3,4,5,9 - Celsius to Farenheit conversions worksheet (back of thermos handout)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Honros Rube Goldberg Projects

Eighth grade honors science presents their Rube Goldberg projects. Nicely done!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Week of 4/19/2010

Monday night - no homework.
Honors: Rube Goldberg due this Friday. The final drawing is due on Wednesday!! Here is the link to the rubric Tuesday: Design an experiment
Wednesday: Rube Goldberg Design is due today (honors)

Thursday 4/22: Honors - respond to earth day prompt - what is earth day? discuss 2-3 things you can do to honor earth day and why it is important to do these things.
Periods 3-9: Graph worksheet - phase change graph

Monday, April 12, 2010

Week of 4/12/2010

Welcome back from Spring Break - I hope you enjoyed your time off!!
We have a TEST on Friday on your notes from Chapter 9 - Energy and Energy forms.
This FRIDAY is the end of the third marking period - please get any work you owe in!!!
Monday 4/12/2010: Read page 4 of your notes (all of g and h - Energy conversions and the law of conservation of energy) carefully and fill in the blanks, answer the questions in the boxes and draw the diagrams when asked.
Tuesday 4/13/2010: Kinetic and Potential Energy calculations
Thursday: Complete your review sheet USING YOUR NOTES!
HONORS: Here is a rubric for the Rube Goldberg Project

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week of 3/22/2010

Energy - Chapter 9
Monday - quiz corrections due tomorrow
Tuesday - Honors: Kinetic and Potential energy math
3-9 Kinetic and potential energy cut and paste

Helpful Links:
Foucault Pendulum
Energy and the roller coaster
Energy and the trebuchet
Which angle is best for projectile motion?
NASA real life mathematics PE and KE

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week of 3/15/2010

Quiz on Wednesday. Work, Power, Simple Machines

Monday - Finding Simple Machines worksheet
Tuesday - Calculating mechanical advantage - STUDY!!
Wednesday -
Thursday - no homework!! Enjoy the long weekend.

Bill Nye on Energy

Friday, March 12, 2010

Week of 3/8

Monday 3/8: Honors: Work/Power worksheet Periods 3-9: Quiz corrections, use the proper format.
Tuesday 3/10: Periods 3-9: Work, Power, Simple Machines handout
Wednesday: Simple Machines and types of Levers
Thursday: Catch up on any backwork you owe me!!
Friday: All classes - Compete the simple machines lab part I and II - graph and analysis questions.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week of 3/2/10

OMEWORK for week of 3/2/2010
Monday: Buoyancy and Fluid Forces Homework Sheet
QUIZ ON WEDNESDAY  - study the vocabulary from forces in fluids notes. Also, know the highlighted and important concepts from the notes. Make sure you understand the questions in the boxes. Know how to use the pressure formula.
Wednesday: Go with the flow worksheet
Pressure lab DUE FRIDAY!
Thursday: Concept map. Define the term work use pp 188-191 and your notes.
Friday: Catch up on back work:)

SIMPLE MACHINES - Rube Goldberg Machines

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Windmill Project - coming along thanks to Mr. Paul Pytel

Mr. Paul Pytel, a retired engineer and grandfather to eighth grade student Hailey Pytel, has stepped in and really turned our windmill project around!! His expertise, professional equipment and attention to detail have really helped students Hailey Pytel, Claire Beck, Moriah Teed, Mackenzie Harris, Jimmy Kline and Jay Polhamus come up with a sophisticated method to test blade design, count and pitch. Mr. Pytel says he is happy to help because it is very important to him to get students interested in science and engineering. We are so thankful for all of his hard work and input.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week of Feb 15, 2010

 Period 1: Buoyancy, Military Inventions and D Day: Student Handout 
Please use the following links to complete this assignment.

  1.  Click HERE to learn about the background regarding Hitler's defenses and Allied strategies on D-Day during WWII.
  2. Explore Hitler's defenses
  3. Watch these videos and answer the questions on your handout. Choose the "Large" video viewer.
  4. Learn more about Archimedes Principal and buoyancy.  Read the Buoyancy Basics and answer the questions . 
  5. Here are some additional examples of wartime inventions that we used today. 
Periods 3-9: Newton's Laws of Motion Comic Strip
Please use your notes on Force and Motion, your concept maps and your book to help you create a comic strip displaying Newton's Three Laws.
Here is the rubric and criteria for the comic strip.

Week of Feb 8, 2010
Windmill meeting for Monday 2/8 CANCELLED. We're still on for Friday. Bring your blade design! What is an ideal pitch? Ideal shape? Ideal blade number? Do your research!!

HOMEWORK: If you are absent, please make up the work!!
Monday night - Unbalanced forces worksheet

Sir Isaac Newton's Biography Video: Download Handout Here


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week of 2/1/10

QUIZ on Wednesday: Study motion, velocity, momentum and acceleration. Be prepared to graph, interpret graphs, know definitions and do calculations!!
January's full moon coincides with its perigee so it appears larger than most full moons (it is closer ot the earth)!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Laws of Motion

 Cornell is coming to Newark Valley - Tuesdays after school from 1/19-2/16 in my room, 143 at the high school. We'll be planning our own electrical gadgets and inventions, so please come by and join us!

Use your books, notes or internet to familiarize yourself with Newton's three laws of motion. Your job is to create an entertaining comic strip that somehow displays one or more of Newton's Laws. Your notes have an example of a cartoon. Your cartoon must have at least three slides and must be ORIGINAL!!!
Please do not copy from ANY other source. Be creative! You can earn UP TO 10 points extra credit, but I will be very picky! The more original, creative and insightful your cartoon is, the more points you will be awarded.
Your cartoon can be drawn by hand, animated by computer or it can be a collage from magazines. You will not be graded on artistic ability.

Bill Nye Motion Worksheet
We will watch this in class on Thursday - the worksheet is for a grade. So if you were absent - please complete!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Week of 1/11/10

Unit test on Wednesday 1/13/2010
Topics to study
1) Electricity notes and circuitry
2) Atmoic structure and subatomic particles notes
3) Energy projects/notes
4) Magnetism lab
5) Evidence of a chemical reaction and factors which affect the rate of chemical reactions (potato catalyst lab)

Please complete the practice exam to help you study for the exam.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Unit Test Next Wenesday! Atomic structure and subatomic particles. Rate of chemical reactions, Energy sources and electricity.
Chapter 17 in book.
Absent? Download -
 Electricity Notes For This Week!!

Homework for week 01-04-2010 (Subject to change, so check back!)
FINAL DRAFT Energy Essay Due Friday!!!

Monday -Honors: What is an Electric Charge?
3-9: Vocab sheet
Tuesday -Honors: Circuit Sheet
3-9: What is an electric charge?
Wednesday - Honors - Biofule article.
Periods 3-9: What's the charge?
Thursday - Quiz Review Sheet - know your topics!!
Friday - QUIZ on the following topics: Electricity and energy sources.

Bill Nye Worksheet